Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Monday Night Dinner

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Another Monday night rolled around, and at 6:45 I was at a loss as to what to make for dinner. It had been a long and rainy, dreary day, and we'd been out of town all weekend and I hadn't had a chance to go to the store. I opened the fridge to find some yogurt, pickles, lettuce and a bag of sugar snap peas. The cupboard didn't yield much either; I had a choice of canned soup, spiral pasta, couscous or chocolate covered walnuts. Then I remembered that I had some shrimp in the freezer, and my brain started to kick into gear...

I cooked the couscous, fluffed it with a fork and set it aside. After thawing out the shrimp, I quickly sauteed them in some olive oil (for high cooking temperature), butter (for flavor), garlic and red pepper flakes, then added the sugar snap peas, which I'd blanched and shocked in ice water. The result was garlicky, spicy shrimp and peas over couscous. A nice way to end an otherwise dreary Monday.

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