Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Solution for a Produce Problem

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I have a produce problem. During the summer months, each time I go to the grocery store I am bewildered by the array of beautiful summer fruits in the produce section - succulent peaches, plump blueberries and fiercely blushing cherries, all just begging for me to take them home. Sounds romantic, right? Well, the reality of it is quite different.

Rarely do I eat all the fruit that I buy. What happens is, I'll bring home this bounty of fresh fruit, only to let it slowly rot in my fridge and even faster on my countertop. I'll forget that it's there or I'll not fancy a piece of fruit - or what looks to be a beautiful peach or nectarine will, in actuality, be a dry, mealy and tasteless farce.

So I discovered a solution to my fruit obsession. I sliced the fruit and macerated it in a few spoonfuls of sugar for several hours, then topped it with a mascarpone cream. The mascarpone cream was flavored with honey, vanilla and a teaspoon of confectioners' sugar, just for a little extra sweetness. Just before serving, I added a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract to the fruit. The result: vanilla-scented summer fruits with mascarpone cream. Now, how can I not eat all my fruit?

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